Combating Procrastination

Combating Procrastination


Growing up, I have always managed to understand concepts in class and I was deemed a pretty gifted student. However, I would always end up getting low grades, much to the surprise of my parents and friends who knew I was smart. The reason for these low grades was procrastination and how I would always leave any assignment or task I had to do until the last minute.

Path to recover:

Even after all this time, I still find myself procrastinating a little bit. One book whose advice I have been following is The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel.

I start off by breaking down the task or assignment at hand into much more smaller and manageable chunks, so I don’t feel overwhelmed and just give up on the spot. After I do that, what I try to do is find out the best course of action to take in completing the task so I can finish it quickly and efficiently. Another thing I have started trying to do is to start on the task at hand immediately so that it doesn’t slip into the back of my mind and pops up at the last second.

Any advice for people who may be struggling with similar challenges:

  • The first step is to not try and stop your procrastination immediately. If you do this, you will end up getting burnt out very quickly and just start procrastinating once more.
  • Start off by not procrastinating on smaller tasks, rather than trying to stop procrastinating on much more larger tasks, because you will end up overwhelmed because you are not used to it.

Written By: Abdullah Khan

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