My Struggle with Proactivity

My Struggle with Proactivity

I struggle with exhibiting hard work and proactivity. I usually finish my work at the last minute as I have a short attention span and a natural hatred for work.

Though I am still in the process of fixing these issues, there are a few things, and observations, helping me out:
-It is nearly impossible to get rid of short attention span or the hatred of work. I try to find tricks around my predicament. I do this by watching TED Talks or reading articles that may help me.
-I follow the Pomodoro Technique: 25 minutes of work, 5 minute break, and so on. This helps you eliminate brain fatigue.
-I force myself to start any assignment without any particular goal in mind. When doing this, your brain feels the need to complete the task, thus making you work more.
-I do simple exercises (like push ups, jogging) before starting my work. This increases the blood flow to your brain, making it more active.
-I keep things I know I won’t remember noted on my phone in an organized manner.

Here is my advice for others going through similar struggles:
-As mentioned, try to find tricks around procrastination, rather than trying to get rid of it.
-Don’t compare yourself to renowned geniuses or successful people. Use them as a role model, but don’t compare.
-Organization and time management is key (and something I also struggle with).
-More ideas, but at the same time, an equal amount of execution.

Written by: Dawud Sayeed

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