Overcoming Bullying

Overcoming Bullying

As a kid going to school, bullying was a big issue with me. Kids would bully me physically, mentally, and even cyberbully. It was so painful, it got to the point where my mind told me, “you’re going to school to get bullied, not to learn.” My teachers couldn’t help as the country I was living at the time was pretty racist.
Eventually, I figured I had to change. The more I had ignored them, the more they kept bullying me. I had to man up and defend myself, as my dad said, which is exactly what I did. I got in a couple of fights that I failed miserably at. However, I still got back up. With no one to help me, bullying became normal in my life.

How I overcame it:
-I finally went to a school where the bullying eventually stopped. I now have a great group of friends.
-Working out helped a lot physically and mentally. It put me somewhere else and made my mind more clearer.
-I stopped comparing myself to others.

My advice:
-Do not ignore or avoid someone you know that is going through the same struggle.
-If you are being bullied, make sure to try your best to get help.
-Say something. 90% of what you could say is better than saying nothing at all.
-Does your friend need help? Absolutely. Do they want to ask? Absolutely not.
-I myself am here for anyone who is being bullied, no matter the conditions.

Written by: Hesham Hammad

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